Congrats to Tom Warren, who won the full ALPHA set in the 1st STREET WARriorS
Tournament, the STREET WARS!
STREET WARriorS in the News
  • 11/24/2006: Several characters from the STREET WARriorS universe are going Hollywood. The Poet, Sean Justice, Nightshade and Psycho all have scripts being written for television and film. The scripts are nearing completion. More news coming soon...

  • 11/23/2006: The STREET WARriorS Alpha Sets are Sold out!

  • 11/08/2005: There's a second review on

  • 10/26/2005: STREET WARriorS Name Game contest and First Edition news in SCRYE #90

  • 10/15/2005: TCGPLAYER.COM and today reported, STREET WARriorS to put on ROCK THE CON with GENCON So Cal Rock the Con Mini site...

  • 09/17/2005: TCGPLAYER.COM today reported STREET WARriorS will be at GENCON So Cal this November 16th-20th @ Booth #623.

  • 07/01/2005: There's a review on

  • 07/01/2005: There's a half page write-up in the July issue of TCGPlayer Magazine (Issue #5)

  • 06/02/2005: There's a full page write-up and Mistress Rose is on the Polybag of INQUEST Magazine (Issue #124) [PDF]

  • 06/01/2005: There's a full page write-up and cover lead-in on the STREET WARriorS in the June issue of TCGPlayer Magazine (Issue #4) [PDF]

  • 05/20/2005: There's a cool review of STREET WARriorS in the June Issue of SCRYE Magazine (Issue #85) [PDF]

  • 04/20/2005: Check out the mention of the STREET WARriorS CCG in the May Issue of SCRYE Magazine (Issue #84)

  • 04/07/2005: You can see a mention of the STREET WARriorS CCG in the May Issue of INQUEST Magazine (Issue #121)

  • 05/11/05: LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT Inc. Prepares to Launch its First Title, the STREET WARriorS TM Collectible Card Game at the ORIGINS International Game Expo

  • 05/16/05: Free promotional hybrid music soundtrack from LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT will be available only at E3, ORIGINS and COMIC-CON, showcasing some of the hottest independent bands around.

  • 11/27/05


    Check out the gallery HERE

  • 08/25/05

  • GENCON INDY REPORT GENCON INDY was by far our best show. Let me just start out by saying we have the best players on the planet. Hardcore isn't even close enough a word, but we'll roll with it.

    Despite the fact that our dedicated gaming room was like 20 million miles from our booth did not stop the players from walking over and hanging out and prepping for our first ever STREET WARS Tournament.

    While we're on the topic of the STREET WARS Tournament let's announce the winners.

    1st Place Winner - Tom Warren
    2nd Place Winner - Kevin Salyer
    3rd Place Winner - Nikki Theiss
    4th Place Winner - Alex Diokmedjian

    Tom walked off with a COMPLETE Alpha Edition set of the STREET WARriorS CCG, Kevin won the uncut holofoil sheet, and Nikki got a complete set of holofoil characters.

    We met a bunch of great new players (Clinton, Justin, D2, Bryan and Pete), as well as saw some old friends (St33l, Ford, Tom, Kevin, Matt, Eddie, James, Ezzard, Gabe, and Nikki). All of you guys are the best. I wasn't kidding when I said we have the best players ever...

    - Rob

  • 07/24/05

  • SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON REPORT All I can say about COMIC-CON is WOW! One of the coolest shows ever. I'd have to say I enjoyed it more than E3. For those of you who have been at E3 and know the sheer size of it, COMIC-CON is bigger and you literally need a few days to explore. It really is an event. I'm not sure the final numbers but it was MUCH MUCH larger than anything we've been to yet.

    We had a great showing and gave demos like crazy. We were in the boondocks and had our left and right sides blocked by Adult Swim and Blizzard who had hundreds of people blocking the floor who were almost to the point of rioting on a continual basis. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Despite bad placement and fierce competition (Natalie Portman and the Rock celeb appearances) we got a lot of awesome exposure. By the last day my throat was thrashed! We met some very cool people and have some cool things in the works... (Top Secret for now)... COMIC-CON done... Next stop GenCon INDY

    - Rob

  • 07/08/05

  • SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON News... Funny how things just kinda happen. First we don't get a booth, and then Mike calls me up telling me we WILL be able to exhibit at COMIC-CON. So we now are prepping hard to get everything down there (A majority of our booth is on its way to GENCON INDY) but we'll make do.

    We are pumped up and excited as hell! There's supposed to be close to 100,000 people at this one. ORIGINS had roughly 24,000 and there's more of a diverse crowd at COMIC-CON so this should be interesting!

    - Rob

  • 07/07/05

  • ORIGINS News... Quick recap... ORIGINS was a huge success! We have the best players in the world. The excitement level has gone up for us by a factor of ten easily. With players like Tom, Eddie, Ezzard, James, Gabe, Kevin, Mike, Asher, Ryan, Tami, and Nicholas who are out there right now introducing the game to anyone they come in contact with the future looks bright for the STREET WARriorS. You can see some pics from the event to the right...

    Once I get back from COMIC-CON hopefully I'll be able to get the show page complete... With the addition of the COMIC-CON show the schedule has pretty much gone to hell. Only a few more day to prepare for it.

    - Rob

  • 05/22/05

  • San Diego Comic-Con Update...
    Well some bad news... We had planned on exhibiting at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego and sent in our payment months ago, but it appears that regardless of when we sent in the money they were just booked solid. They sold out the booths and had informed us we were on a waiting list in case someone dropped out. While at E3 we just got the official word that there really is no chance of us exhibiting at Comic-Con ... But don't trip we just wanted to let you know that we will still be at the San Diego Comic-Con, and you will see us. We just won't be exhibiting inside.

  • 05/20/05

  • E3 Report:
    Man... E3 was CRAZY!!! Mike and I was in LA promoting the STREET WARriorS with the STREET Teams and just trying to get the word out about STREET WARriorS. Video Gamers are one of our primary market, so it made perfect sense to us to go to the largest video gaming event in the U.S.

    I knew there would be a lot of people there, but man, it was literally back-to-back mobs of wide-eyed-gamers.

    We had a team out there working the crowd, giving out promo soundtracks and flyers. We threw up posters everywhere and had a lot of fun getting the hustle on.

    Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. I'm pretty sure we walked many many miles, but in the end it was worth it. There's a ton of great things going on in the Video Game industry and we've got long term plans to bring STREET WARriorS to that medium.

    We were fortunate enough to have Jeff Jones as part of the team, and for a day we even had some help from Arissa from the REAL WORLD Las Vegas. The rest of the team worked in the blazin' heat and did a great job, I just want to really mention the girls... You guys put it down hard and for that you deserve a special thanks.

    We gave out 10,000 flyers, and 1,500 Free Soundtracks over the course of E3, which is bananas to me.

    Mike and I were also at a few events that I'd like to mention. The Kohnke PR party was one of the highlights for me, we got to meet some really cool people (Michael, Kyle[finally], Mike, Erica, Robin,) and Kohnke really impressed me. Thank you Erica for the invite. The Harris Nesbitt Cocktail party was pretty cool, and just wanted to thank them for the invite. We had a blast choppin' it up with the decision makers of the industry.

  • 02/14/05

  • The STREET WARriorSTM Collectible Card Game (CCG) ALPHA SETS are completed...

    If you've got your hands on an ALPHA version you're one of the lucky few. Why are you lucky? There's only 7,000 starter sets for the ALPHA total. 1,000 of those are for press and media. The remaining are available here or at one of the few shows where we'll be.

    What's so special about the ALPHA sets? Limited Edition "Never to be Printed Again Cards (NTBPA)" and Limited Holofoil cards that are in VERY LOW quantity. How low? Well let's see... JOKER is limited to 300 holofoil cards. You can see exactly how many there are by looking on the right side of the card and under the "ALPHA EDITION CARD" you'll see something that says "HF31-300" well the numbers after HF let you know which card it is and the numbers after the dash let's you know how many were manufactured...

    I'll let you in on a little secret... There are 54 Holofoil cards in the ALPHA version (39 are in quantity of 300, the rest are 600 or more...) 2 will NEVER be printed again. When we do the BETA set we'll do the same thing but there will be two different cards. These NTBPA cards are in higher quantity (5,700) but still will be VERY hard to find later on.

    We're ramping up for some of the upcoming shows and hope to see you there... We'll be at ORIGINS and GENCON.

    That's it for now!

    - The CREATOR







    BATTLE FOR 1st & 2nd PLACE:

    1st PLACE:


    DAY 4...

    DAY 3...

    DAYS 1 & 2

    E3 SHOW:
    Mike and Rob preparing to enter the chaos of E3 A few members of the LA street team The LA E3 STREET WARriorS Girls

    Jeff Jones Reppin' Jeff Jones droppin' a bumper for Mike STREET WARriorS Poster Snipes

    Samples of the promotional materials

  • LARGE - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on White - 300dpi RGB
  • MEDIUM - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on White - 150dpi RGB
  • SMALL - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on White - 75dpi RGB

  • LARGE - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on Black - 300dpi RGB
  • MEDIUM - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on Black - 150dpi RGB
  • SMALL - JPG of STREET WARriorS Logo composited on Black - 75dpi RGB

  • LARGE - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on White - 300dpi RGB
  • MEDIUM - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on White - 150dpi RGB
  • SMALL - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on White - 75dpi RGB

  • LARGE - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on Black - 300dpi RGB
  • MEDIUM - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on Black - 150dpi RGB
  • SMALL - JPG of LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, Inc. Logo composited on Black - 75dpi RGB

    We have other art assets in many different formats as well as other documents which you may access from our secured server. Please fill out this short form below and we will e-mail you directions on accessing these files.


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    The STREET WARriorSTM Trading Card GameŠ 2005 LETHAL ENTERTAINMENT, INC. All Rights Reserved